Mobile diagnostics

Our team of vets are skilled and trained to use our wide range of diagnostic equipment.

Portable x-ray machines

Our portable x-ray machines allow our vets to be able to visualise bone structures within the horses body. Our machines are fully functional at your horses stable side and allow the vet to get an image instantly.

Ultrasound machines

Our portable ultrasound machines enable our vets to see the soft tissue structures such as tendons and ligaments. We are also able to perform reproductive tract scans and pregnancy diagnosis.


We can perform gastroscopes at your horse’s stable side. Our vets are trained to perform gastroscopes, examine your horse’s stomach and grade any ulcers present.


Our potable endoscope allows us to examine the horse’s upper respiratory system. Our vets are also able to perform tracheal washes and guttural pouch washes.


Our oroscope allows our vet to thoroughly examine your horses mouth. They can see any diastemas present and right to the back of the mouth.

SAA test kit

All our vets carry a SAA (serum Amyloid A) kit in their cars. SAA is an inflammatory marker which can aid the vet with a diagnosis and the correct treatment path to take.

In-house laboratory

We have an in-house laboratory based at our North Tawton surgery. We can perform a range of tests ranging from blood work to worm egg counts.


In an emergency,

please call 01837 214004

Our service operates on the same telephone number 24hrs a day 365 days a year – 01837 214004. Please listen to the options and select option 2. You will then be taken to our out of hours answering service, who will then take your details and pass you to the emergency duty vet. Please make sure you are loud and clear when answering the relevant questions. This will speed up the process of getting you to the duty vet.

Alternatively, you can call our out of hours call centre directly on 01209 823126.