Horse Health Plans

For the leisure or competition horse 


The leisure horse health plan provides your horse with preventative routine health care throughout the year. By paying for the health plan when joining it allows you to not have to worry about funding routine health care throughout the year.

The leisure horse health plan includes:                                                   

  • One free visit at the time of vaccination throughout the year.
  • Free dental work included in the same free visit and the vaccination (excluding sedation).
  • One free Influenza vaccination with the combined Tetanus if necessary.
  • Health check.
  • 5% off any of our Equus Vets supplement range throughout the year.
  • Free worm egg counts throughout the grazing periods.


The competition horse health plan is a package which allows you to have the best routine and preventative care for your competition horse throughout the year. It is similar to the leisure horse health plan but with those added extras which may be beneficial to your competition horse. By paying for the health plan when joining it allows you to not have the worry of funding routine treatment throughout the year.

The competition horse health plan includes:

  • Two free visits throughout the year. One being at the time of vaccination.
  • One free Influenza vaccination with combined Tetanus if necessary.
  • Health check.
  • Twice yearly locomotor assessments.
  • Free annual blood profile.
  • Free twice yearly dental checks and any routine work required (excluding sedation).
  • 5% of any of our Equus Vets supplement range purchased throughout the year.
  • Free worm egg counts throughout the grazing periods.


In an emergency,

please call 01837 214004

Our service operates on the same telephone number 24hrs a day 365 days a year – 01837 214004. Please listen to the options and select option 2. You will then be taken to our out of hours answering service, who will then take your details and pass you to the emergency duty vet. Please make sure you are loud and clear when answering the relevant questions. This will speed up the process of getting you to the duty vet.

Alternatively, you can call our out of hours call centre directly on 01209 823126.